
Cara Diet dengan 10 Makanan Sehat Untuk Diet 

Diet adalah jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh seseorang, berbeda dalam penyebutan di beberapa negara, dalam bahasa Indonesia, kata diet lebih sering ditujukan untuk menyebut suatu upaya menurunkan berat badan atau mengatur asupan nutrisi tertentu, Menurunkan Berat badan misalnya bagi model atau aktris yang ingin menjaga penampilannya, Meningkatkan Berat badan misalnya bagi olahragawan atau atlet binaraga yang ingin meningkatkan kekuatan otot berikut Cara Diet Sehat Setiap hari banyak yang membahas tentang apa saja yang harus di hilangkan saat diet atau menurunkan berat badan, dengan usaha apapun akan dilakukan, jika seseorang menginginkan diet atau mengecilkan perut. banyak yang menganjurkan "jangan makan ini itu" untuk menurunkan berat badan dan jika ingin banyak energi. Atau berhenti makan jenis makanan tertentu untuk menurunkan kolesterol.

Cara Diet dengan 10 Makanan Sehat Untuk Diet

Diet dengan 10 Makanan Sehat Untuk Diet
Pola makan dan olahraga adalah hal utama yang perlu diperhatikan dalam cara diet sehat. Pola hidup sehat dan aktifitas keseharian kita merupakan unsur utama untuk keberhasilan diet. Disini yang terbaru di 2012 adalah membahas tentang makanan apa saja yang baik dikonsumsi untuk membantu kamu menurunkan berat badan, memberikan banyak energi dan membantu meningkatkan tingkat gula darah, tekanan darah dan kolesterol.

Beririkut 10 Tips untuk Makanan Sehat Untuk Diet

1. Diet Anda harus bervariasi
Tubuh kita membutuhkan 40 nutrisi yang berbeda untuk tetap sehat. Nikmati makan di perusahaan keluarga dan teman-teman dan menonton apa yang orang lain makan. Tentu Anda menemukan makanan baru untuk memberikan berbagai diet Anda.

2. Ambil buah-buahan dan sayuran Segar
Buah-buahan dan sayuran mengandung nutrisi yang membantu mencegah penyakit, jadi jangan lupa untuk memasukkan dalam diet Anda setiap hari. Makanan ini dapat menjadi pelengkap yang ideal di masing-masing dari lima makanan yang Anda lakukan sepanjang hari sarapan, makan siang, makan malam, snack dan makan malam.

3. Kebersihan adalah penting untuk kesehatan Anda
Jangan menyentuh makanan tanpa mencuci tangan sebelumnya. Sikat gigi Anda setidaknya dua kali sehari dan ingat bahwa, setelah menyikat gigi di malam hari, dan Anda tidak perlu makan makanan atau minum daripada air.

4. Cukup Minuman
Hal ini penting untuk menjaga tubuh terhidrasi dengan baik, sejak lebih dari setengah adalah berat air. Oleh karena itu pastikan bahwa Anda menerima masukan yang diperlukan dari cairan (setidaknya 5 gelas per hari). Jika panas atau aktivitas fisik yang intens, harus meningkatkan asupan cairan untuk mencegah dehidrasi.

5. Jangan mencoba mengubah kebiasaan makan dan perilaku dalam semalam.
Akan lebih mudah untuk melakukannya sedikit demi sedikit setiap hari marcándote tujuan. Tidak mengabaikan apa yang Anda suka, tetapi cobalah diet Anda secara keseluruhan, adalah seimbang.

6. Makan makanan yang kaya karbohidrat
Kebanyakan orang makan karbohidrat kurang dari yang mereka butuhkan. Setidaknya setengah kalori dari diet Anda harus datang dari nutrisi. Untuk meningkatkan konsumsi karbohidrat, harus makan roti, dan secara umum, produk yang terbuat dari gandum dan biji-bijian lain seperti sereal, biskuit, pasta, nasi, kentang dan sayur-sayuran.

7. Menjaga berat badan yang sehat untuk usia Anda
Evita lebih berat atau lebih sedikit dari yang seharusnya. Untuk mengetahui berat badan yang benar Anda harus memperhitungkan banyak faktor: usia, jenis kelamin, tinggi, konstitusi, keturunan Kegemukan terjadi ketika tubuh Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak kalori dari yang Anda membelanjakan. Lemak memberi kita beberapa nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tubuh kita, tetapi juga sumber kalori yang paling terkonsentrasi. Oleh karena itu, jika salah satu makanan Anda khususnya lemak, alternatif dengan intake lebih ringan.

8. Makan teratur
Tubuh kita membutuhkan energi yang tersedia di setiap saat dengan cara yang sama yang perlu bahan bakar untuk kendaraan bergerak. Ketika kami bangun, setelah menghabiskan sepanjang malam tanpa makan, tingkat energi kita sangat rendah sehingga harus membuat sarapan yang baik. Pada siang hari, jika hanya untuk makan siang dan makan malam, tubuh Anda juga terlalu banyak jam akan tanpa masukan energi. Merebut istirahat pertengahan-pagi makan sesuatu dan jangan lupa teh di sore hari.

9. Latihan
Sepeda tidak digunakan hanya berkarat. Dengan otot dan tulang hal yang sama terjadi, Anda harus membuat mereka tetap aktif bekerja dengan baik. Cobalah untuk mendapatkan beberapa latihan setiap hari. Naik tangga bukan lift dan jika Anda bisa, pergi berjalan kaki ke sekolah. Istirahat adalah saat yang tepat untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik bermain bola, lompat tali. Setiap salah satu dari kami untuk mencoba dan mempraktekkan olah raga yang sesuai selera kita.

10. Ingatlah bahwa tidak ada makanan yang baik atau buruk
Jangan merasa bersalah tentang makan makanan tertentu. Bahwa menghindari ekses-ekses dan pastikan makanan Anda cukup bervariasi harus seimbang. Saldo dan berbagai adalah kunci untuk diet Anda akan membantu Anda menjaga kesehatan yang baik.

Itulah Cara Diet dengan 10 Tips untuk Makanan Sehat Untuk Diet semoga dapat bermanfaat.

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Child's Play (1988)
Main article: Child's Play (1988 film)

When being chased by Detective Mike Norris (Chris Sarandon), serial killer and voodoo practitioner Charles Lee "Chucky" Ray (Brad Dourif), is shot and mortally wounded. Before dying in his human body and weaking, he plots revenge on Norris, Ray takes cover inside a toy store, finds boxes of "Good Guy" dolls, and uses a voodoo ritual to transfer his soul into one of them. A form of dark clouds forms around the store and is then struck by lightning, and it burns to the ground. A doll called Chucky is found by a homeless peddler, and sold to Karen Barclay, who gives him to her son Andy as a birthday gift.

While Karen is working late at night, Andy's aunt Maggie agrees to baby-sit. When she has Andy go to bed, which keeps Chucky from watching a 9:00 news story about Edward "Eddie" Caputo (his former accomplice who had left him stranded on foot the night he was killed), he causes Maggie to fall out a window to her death on a car (by hitting her in the eye with a child's hammer).

The next day, apparently upon Chucky's request, Andy visits the house of Eddie (Neil Giuntoli). As Andy urinates outside, Chucky is revealed as being an alive doll. He sneaks into Eddie's house and blows out the pilot light on the stove and turns up the gas; Eddie, in panicked self-defense, fires his gun on the stove, and the house explodes, killing him.

Andy is questioned by police about his presence at the explosion; he blames it on Chucky, and is placed in a psychiatric ward for a few days. Karen believes that Chucky is the culprit after finding that there were no batteries in his back. Karen tells Chucky to talk to her, or else she is going to throw him in the fire. Chucky then comes alive in her hands, bites her, and runs out of the apartment.

Karen contacts Mike, who is now investigating Aunt Maggie's death. Although he initially doubts her story, he becomes a firm believer after he is attacked by Chucky in his car, and survives only by shooting Chucky in the shoulder.

Chucky later meets with John (a.k.a. "Dr. Death"), his voodoo instructor from years past, and asks why his gunshot wound bled. John, under torture through a voodoo doll, informs him that his body is slowly conforming to that of a human's, and that he will soon be trapped in the body if he doesn't transfer his soul into the body of the first person to whom he revealed himself (which is Andy). Chucky says he's going to be 6 years old again.

Chucky murders John with the voodoo doll by snapping his leg and arm and stabbing it in the heart and leaves to find Andy. Mike and Karen find John before he dies, learning that Andy is in danger and that the only way to stop Chucky is to destroy his heart.

Andy escapes from the psychiatric unit as Chucky brutally kills the head doctor. Mike and Karen rush back to the apartment hoping that Andy is there. Chucky reaches the apartment through the furnace and knocks Andy unconscious with a baseball bat to possess him. After a prolonged struggle, Chucky is tossed into the fireplace by Karen where Andy drops a match, setting Chucky on fire. He then shows Andy that he is still alive but Karen takes Mike's gun and shoots part of Chucky's body until they presume that he is dead. However someone comes and plays with Chucky's head and his arm pops out from the air ventilation and strangles him and Karen then shoots Chucky's heart and has Mike take the rest of the body parts as evidence.

Child's Play 2 (1990) In the sequel, set two years after the first film, Andy lives in a shelter, and his mother is under psychiatric observation, for supporting Andy's story. Bad publicity about Play Pals Inc. (the company of the Good Guy Doll franchise) is all over the newspapers regarding Chucky. The company has the original doll reconstructed for analysis, and a worker is electrocuted at the completion of that process (due to it still holding Ray's or "Chucky's" soul).

Yuppie-style couple with no children of their own who have often fostered children, Joanne and Phil Simpson (Jenny Agutter and Gerrit Graham), agree to foster Andy until his mother is able to look after him again. Andy meets an older girl, Kyle (Christine Elise), who is also living with them.

Mattson, a Play Pals executive, takes the rebuilt Chucky doll off the factory grounds, under the orders of Play Pal's president, Mr. Sullivan. While doing so, he goes in to a liquor store for vodka for his girlfriend for their two week dating anniversary. While he is alone Chucky manages to call the crisis center, and learn Andy's whereabouts; once Mattson returns he forces him to drive him to Andy's new home, then kills him. Breaking into the house, Chucky finds another Good Guy doll and takes its place by destroying and burying "Tommy" in the yard.

The next night, Chucky ties Andy to his bed and tries to swap bodies. However, Phil and Joanne come into the room. Despite Andy being tied up, Phil and Joanne don't believe that Chucky is really alive and blame Kyle for tying Andy up. In order to calm Andy down, Phil throws Chucky into the basement. As Phil exits, Chucky gets up and realizes that he's bleeding, as he is turning human again.

On Andy's first day of his new school, Chucky follows him. He finds Andy's school paper and writes profanity on it. The teacher, Miss Kettlewell, gives Andy detention, who discovers that Chucky is in there. Miss Kettlewell also locks Chucky in the classroom closet. She then leaves the room to call Phil and Joanne about the incident. Andy escapes the locked room through the classroom window and when Miss Kettlewell returns, she thinks Andy is the one in the closet yelling (forgetting the closet was locked in the first place); Chucky kills her with a ruler after she unlocks the door.

Back at the house, Andy tells Phil and Joanne that Chucky followed him to school. Fed up with and frustrated by Andy's constant beliefs about Chucky, Phil takes Andy to the cellar door to show Chucky lying exactly where he was when he was thrown down there. That night, Andy takes an electric knife from the kitchen and goes down into the cellar intending to finish Chucky himself. Chucky attacks Andy, and kills Phil, who came down to investigate the noise. Joanne is horrified to find her husband dead and believes it is Andy who murdered him.

Andy is taken back to the center after being suspected for involuntary manslaughter. Kyle later finds Chucky and puts him in a trash bin outside the house as she believed it has been the bad omen source of the foster family's misfortunes. Soon after, she finds the "Tommy" doll buried in the yard, and then discovers Chucky is gone from the bin. Upstairs, Kyle finds Joanne dead, and then is attacked by Chucky, who forces her to drive him to the Crisis Center. Under Chucky's threats, Kyle sets off the fire alarm of the Center to get everyone downstairs. Chucky kills the center's director and locks Kyle out of the room.

Chucky forces Andy into the back of a van, which Kyle chases. She gets the driver to stop, but Chucky escapes with Andy into the nearby Play Pals factory. Chucky performs his ritual, but it is too late. Realizing that he is trapped in the doll's body forever, he decides to kill Andy. Kyle helps Andy escape, with Chucky following. She manages to trap the doll by dropping a gate on his hand. To get out, Chucky tears his own hand off, then replaces it with his knife, and continues chasing them into the manufacturing floor. After chasing them to a conveyor belt where the dolls are constructed, Andy and Kyle staple Chucky to the conveyor platform, turning the machine on, in turn impaling Chucky with doll parts. They escape through the factory thinking they have killed him, but Chucky returns, having cut off his own legs to escape. Ultimately, Andy coats Chucky with molten plastic after Chucky chases him near a vat containing the plastic. Kyle then forces an air hose into his mouth. The resulting air pressure builds up and causing Chucky's head to explode, killing him.

In a televised alternate ending it reveals that half of Chucky's exploded head is in a vat of melted plastic, which in turn creates another doll head (after sinking into the plastic) which smiles evilly as the film will never end.

Child's Play 3 (1991) 
Main article: Child's Play 3

Eight years later, the factory is reopened. Chucky's remains are lifted away by a claw-crane. As it passes a vat of plastic, the remains bleed into it, causing Chucky's soul to inhabit a new doll. Chucky kills the CEO of the toy company and traces Andy, finding him at a military school. Chucky delivers himself to the school, hoping to transfer into Andy's body, but is instead found by young recruit Tyler, whom he inadvertently reveals his secret. Realizing this, Chucky decides to take Tyler's body, and attempts to kill Andy to prevent him interfering. He sabotages a game of capture-the-flag, replacing one sides paintballs with live ammunition. He then tries to convince Tyler to play "Hide the soul", but Tyler, realizing what Chucky is, runs. Chucky gives chase, but is confronted by Andy. The confrontation takes them into a fairground ride, where half of Chucky's face is cut off by a scythe. Chucky catches Tyler, planning to exchange his soul, but is shot several times by Andy, as Andy cuts his hand off while he is grabbing on Andy and cuts it with a knife and ends with Chucky falling into a large fan, where he is sliced to pieces. The pieces of his are later seen being collected as evidence.

Bride of Chucky (1998) 
Main article: Bride of Chucky

Right after the end of Child's Play 3,Chucky's remains are recovered by his old girlfriend Tiffany Ray, who stitches them back together. However, when she learns that what she thought was an engagement ring he left her was just a piece of stolen jewelry from a lady from Vivian Van Pelt, she refuses to perform the voodoo ritual, and locks Chucky in a baby crib. Chucky escape with a sharp ring as the bars in the crib are wood, in retaliation, kills Tiffany by throwing a small TV in her bathtub and electrocuting her and, transferring her soul into a bride doll and she makes over herself. The two then decide to follow a young couple, intending to transfer their souls into them since Tiffany is paying them to bring them to Jersey. On the way, Chucky witnesses Tiffany killing two people who stole money from the teens. He then proposes to her, and they consummate their relationship. They then reveal themselves to the teens and force them to take them to Chucky's human body, which possesses a voodoo charm essential to the ritual "The Heart of Damballa." However, Tiffany turns on Chucky, killing him, before dying herself. Chucky confidently declares that he will return, but adds that "Dying is such a bi***" and is shot multiple times and dies next to his regular body. At the end of the movie, Tiffany gives birth to Chucky's child, Glen or Glenda (Due to the doll's lack of anatomy making it genderless).

Seed of Chucky (2004) 
Main article: Seed of Chucky

Six years after the previous movie, Chucky and Tiffany's son Glen, born in the closing moments of the previous film, locates animatronic models of the two created for a film based on their exploits. Using a voodoo ritual, the boy brings the models to life. Chucky is initially shocked that he has a son and faints, but then enthusiastically tries to bring the boy into the "family business." But Tiffany, feeling a new sense of parental responsibility, wants them to swear off killing, while at the same time planning for them to inhabit the bodies of Jennifer Tilly, her chauffeur, and her unborn children. Chucky, exasperated by these experiences, finally decides that he prefers life as a doll to life as a human as when he thinks what happens to a human as they get sick and old and he isn't ready and he can't kill any more, and tries to kill Tiffany by throwing a knife at her when she refuses to stop and threatens to leave. Glen kills Chucky defending his mother by cutting his arms and legs and finally head off and his final words are "attha, boy kid. attha boy",Tiffany who succeeds in transferring her and his souls into their desired bodies. Five years later, at Glen's birthday party, he is sent a package containing Chucky's severed arm, which then tries to strangle him and the film ends with Chucky laughing.

Psikologi Warna

Ahli fisiologi dan psikologi menjelaskan ada empat warna primer: merah, hijau, kuning dan biru. Meskipun tidak diketahui secara pasti mengapa orang-orang menyukai warna dan kombinasi warna tertentu. Tetapi yang jelas, setiap warna memiliki karakter atau sifat ayng berbeda-beda. Bahkan sejak dahulu warna diketahui mempunyai pengaruh terhadap manusia, namun baru belakangan ini penggunaannya telah dimanfaatkan secara meluas dalam dunia otomotif, busana, permainan dan sebagainya.

Merah:Warna ini melambangkan keadaan psikologi yang mengurangkan tenaga, mendorong makin cepatnya denyut nadi, menaikkan tekanan darah dan mempercepat pernafasan. Warna ini memiliki pengaruh produktivitas, perjuangan, persaingan dan keberahian.

1.Merah Terang:Warna ini melambangkan kekuatan kemauan atau cita-cita. Sifatnya: Agresif, Aktif, Eksentrik. Pengaruhnya: Berkemaun keras, penuh gairah, dominasi, jantan.

2.Merah Jambu:Warna ini melambangkan romantisme, feminim. Warna ini memiliki sifat menuntut dalam kepasrahan, menggemaskan dan jenaka.

Warna ini melambangkan ketenangan yang sempurna. Memiliki efek menenangkan pada tekanan darah, denyut nadi, dan tarik napas. Sementara semua menurun, mekanisme pertahanan tubuh membangun organisme.

1.Biru Tua:Warna ini melambangkan perasaan yang mendalam. Sifatnya: Konsentrasi, kooperatif, cerdas, perasa, integratif. Pengaruhnya: Tenang, Bijaksana, Tidak Mudah Tersinggung, Banyak kawan.

2.Biru Muda:Warna ini melambangkan elastisitas dari ambisi. Sifatnya: Bertahan, Protektif, Tidak Berubah pikiran. Pengaruhnya: Keras Kepala, Teguh, Sering Bangga Diri, berpendirian tetap.

Warna ini melambangkan kegembiraan. Warna ini memiliki sifat: leluasa dan santai, senang menunda-nunda masalah. Berubah-ubah tapi penuh harapan, memiliki cita-cita setinggi langit dan semangatnya juga tinggi.

1.Kuning Terang:Warna ini melambangkan sifat spontan yang eksentrik. Sifatnya: Toleran, Investigatif, Menonjol. Pengaruhnya: Berubah-ubah sikap, berpengharapan, dermawan, tidak percaya.HIIJAUWarna ini melambangkan adanya suatu keinginan, ketabahan dan kekerasan hati. Memiliki kepribadian yang keras dan berkuasa. Warna ini memiliki sifat: meningkatkan rasa bangga, perasaan lebih superior dari yang lain. Orang yang menyukai warna ini umumnya senang dipuji, senang menasehati orang lain.


1.ABU-ABU:Warna ini tidak menunjukkan arti yang jelas. Tidak terang dan sama sekali bebas dari kecenderungan psikologis. Warna ini cenderung netral.

2.HITAM:Warna ini melambangkan kehidupan yang terhenti dan karenanya memberi kesan kehampaan, kematian, kegelapan, kebinasaan, kerusakan dan kepunahan.


1.COKLAT:Warna ini seringkali menunjukan fitur-fitur: suka merebut, tidak suka memberi hati, kurang toleran, pesimis terhadap kesejahteraan dan kebahagian masa depan.
2.UNGU:Warna ini adalah campuran warna merah dan biru yang melambangkan sifat Gempuran Keras yang dilambangkan oleh warna biru. Perpaduan antara keintiman dan erotis atau menjurus pengertian yang mendalam dan peka. Sifatnya sedikit kurang teliti tetapi selalu penuh harapan
Charles Lee Ray (also known as "The Lakeshore Strangler", or nicknamed "Chucky") is the main antagonist in the Child's Play horror/slasher film series. In 1999, Chucky won the MTV Movie Award for best villain. He was created by Don Mancini and is voiced by Brad Dourif.

History Charles Lee Ray (January 24, 1950 - November 9, 1988) was a voodoo practitioner and serial killer from originally Hackensack, New Jersey along with Eddie Caputo who were involved in a series of brutal murders and voodoo rituals. Charles Lee Ray was born to Irish American mother who came from a wealthy family but worked as a bartender and dancer and Austrian immigrant father who was an alcoholic who frequently abused him and his mother. 

Relationships:Chucky and Tiffany Tiffany has proven her love for Chucky for years. She wore what she thought was an engagement ring from him ever since he was killed, and she even has a tattoo of a heart with a knife through it and Chucky's name written above it. While Chucky laughed at the idea of him marrying Tiffany, there is no doubt he has some sort of feelings for her. When the two of them were alone in the van while Jesse and Jade were getting married, Chucky apologizes to Tiffany "for everything". After Tiffany kills the two newlyweds by throwing a champagne bottle into the ceiling mirror, Chucky is impressed. This was actually what made Chucky finally say "I love you Tif!" and proposes to her. Chucky is down on one knee and holding the severed finger with the wedding ring still attached, and says he should have asked her to marry him a long time ago. Also in the Hackensack Cemetery when Jesse threatens to shoot Tiffany in the head when Chucky has Jade hostage, Jesse tells Chucky to let Jade go and he'll let Tiffany go, Chucky has no choice but to agree. When they are resurrected in Seed of Chucky, Chucky and Tiffany kill one of the Hollywood workers together with a piece of wire. Moments later, they are seen passionately kissing. When Tiffany wants her and Chucky to stop murdering people, it seems that she has no control over herself, while Chucky seems indifferent to murder. Tiffany seems deeply upset when she kills Jennifer Tilly's friend, Joan. Chucky does all he can to comfort her before realizing it was Glenda. Just as Chucky is performing the ritual to transfer his, Tiffany's and Glen's souls into their victims' bodies, there is a moment of shouting and frustration which angers Chucky. He firmly decides that he wants to remain a doll and that being human isn't so great. Chucky states that he already has everything he wants, "a beautiful wife" and a "multi-talented kid." Tiffany leaves him, taking Glen, causing Chucky to become heartbroken and enraged. He hits tiffany in the head with an ax not realizing that just before she had already transferred her soul in jennifer tilly's.

Chucky and Glen Chucky found it highly entertaining when he first discovered Glen's former name was Sh**face. However, as soon as he notices he and Glen have the same "made in Japan" markings on their wrists, he can't believe Glen is actually his child, and faints. When Chucky and Tiffany can't agree on the gender of their child, Chucky believes he's a boy who hasn't had his growth spurt yet, even comforting him and he also gives him the name, Glen. Chucky arranges a "boys night out" for him and Glen. With Glen working the pedals and Chucky steering, the two hijack a car and Chucky encourages him to put his full weight on the pedal so he crashes into Britney Spears' car when it promptly explodes. The photographer that took the pictures of Chucky, Jennifer Tilly and Redman is Chucky's next victim. Glen tries to stop him but the photographer is startled by Glen's appearance and hits a shelf where sulphuric acid falls on him, burning him and quickly killing him. Chucky is thrilled by this and asks Glen to keep this their secret while he sets up a camera to take picture of them beside the dead photographer. When Tiffany discovers the photo, she is furious. But Chucky states that Glen is "the most promising killer" he's ever seen and Tiffany would have been proud of him. He also gets angry when Tiffany tells Glen she's proud of him for not wanting to be a killer. Chucky believes she's "poisoning our son's mind." Glen chooses not to kill unlike his mother and father and shows a huge desire to not kill. When Chucky decides to remain a doll and says he has everything he wants, he calls Glen a "multi-talented kid" possibly accepting the fact he may have a daughter. This was shown when Glen and Chucky were fighting in the hospital and Chucky was hit in the shoulder with an axe, he first thought it was Glenda who attacked him but was in fact Glen. At the end of the film, when Glen has killed Chucky, he still has the photograph Chucky himself took five years earlier and is happily looking at it. He later received an anonymous birthday gift with his fathers severed arm in it and his twitch from before come again and he starts pissing his pants.

Chucky and Glenda Chucky shows little desire for a daughter, but he gets one anyway. As a doll, Glenda briefly took over Glen's mind, and killed Jennifer Tilly's assistant, Joan. Even though Chucky wanted his child (Glen) to kill, he seemed quite scared of Glenda. When Jennifer delivered a human body for Glenda, she possessed it. Near the end of the film, Chucky says he saw Glenda killing him, but it was actually an enraged Glen. Glenda is possibly more twisted than her father is and has inherited his wild red hair. At the end of the film, Fulvia states that Glenda gave someone a bloody nose and took pictures, stealing money from her purse and calling the cat a cun*. Glenda currently lives in Hollywood as a human with her mother, Tiffany, and her brother, Glen.
Warna adalah spektrum tertentu yang terdapat di dalam suatu cahaya sempurna (berwarna putih). Identitas suatu warna ditentukan panjang gelombang cahaya tersebut. Sebagai contoh warna biru memiliki panjang gelombang 460 nanometer.
Panjang gelombang warna yang masih bisa ditangkap mata manusia berkisar antara 380-780 nanometer.

Dalam peralatan optis, warna bisa pula berarti interpretasi otak terhadap campuran tiga warna primer cahaya: merahhijaubiru yang digabungkan dalam komposisi tertentu. Misalnya pencampuran 100% merah, 0% hijau, dan 100% biru akan menghasilkan interpretasi warnamagenta.
Dalam seni rupa, warna bisa berarti pantulan tertentu dari cahaya yang dipengaruhi oleh pigmen yang terdapat di permukaan benda. Misalnya pencampuran pigmen magenta dan cyan dengan proporsi tepat dan disinari cahaya putih sempurna akan menghasilkan sensasi mirip warna merah.

Setiap warna mampu memberikan kesan dan identitas tertentu sesuai kondisi sosial pengamatnya. Misalnya warna putih akan memberi kesan suci dan dingin di daerah Barat karena berasosiasi dengan salju. Sementara di kebanyakan negara Timur warna putih memberi kesan kematian dan sangat menakutkan karena berasosiasi dengan kain kafan (meskipun secara teoritis sebenarnya putih bukanlah warna).
Di dalam ilmu warna, hitam dianggap sebagai ketidakhadiran seluruh jenis gelombang warna. Sementara putih dianggap sebagai representasi kehadiran seluruh gelombang warna dengan proporsi seimbang. Secara ilmiah, keduanya bukanlah warna, meskipun bisa dihadirkan dalam bentuk pigmen.

Changing Woman comes closest to being the personification of the Earth and of the natural order of the Universe as to any other brief way of describing her. She represents the cyclical path of the Seasons, Birth (Spring), Maturing (Summer), Growing old (Fall) and Dying (Winter), only to be reborn again in the Spring.

The birth of Changing Woman was planned by First Man and First Woman. First Man repeatedly held up his medicine bundle toward Gobernador Knob at dawn. Somehow from this action Changing Woman was born and found lying on top of Gobernador Knob. She was found by Talking God who was sent to investigate. First Man then presented her to the diyinii, saying that you could see that this is the child of the young man and young woman of exceeding beauty who themselves had arisen from the same medicine bundle to become the inner form of the Earth.{*}

First Man raises and teaches Changing Woman. She grew from infancy to puberty in four days, thus acquiring the name Changing Woman. This occasioned the first puberty ceremony. The Holy People were called for and Talking God officiated at the ceremony.

Changing Woman was dressed in jewels (white shell, turquoise, abalone and jet), blessed with pollen from the dawn and from twilight, and with "pollen" from many jewels and soft fabrics, symbolizing her control over these articles. After this blessing, her hair was bathed with dews and she was instructed to run toward the dawn as far as she could see and then to return. As she ran, her dress of jewels jingled. She repeated this for four nights. On these days, when not involved in ceremonies, she occupied herself with planning for the future of the Earth. By the end of the ceremony she had made millstones, a whisk broom, pots and stirring sticks. The songs that were sung for Changing Woman as she ran are sung today for young women at their puberty ceremonies.

At Changing Woman's next menstration another puberty ceremony was held, similar to the first. But at this ceremony other procedures for the future were defined. These decree that no menstruating woman shall be present at any ceremonial. The order of songs at future Blessingway ceremonies was thus determined.

After this ceremony Changing Woman would go outside and walk on the trail which had been prepared for her. One day at noon a strange man walked up to her and spoke to her. He said "Prepare yourself for something that is going to happen, after a while I will visit you." This stranger was so dazzling that Changing Woman had to look away. When she turned back, he was gone. She returned home and reported this encounter to First Woman and First Man. It seems that First Man was expecting this occurence, which happened twice again. On the third time Changing Woman was told to fix her bed outside, with her head to the east. When she fell asleep a young man came and lay beside her. This happened again and she asked who he was. He replied, "Don't you know me? Didn't you ever see me? Don't you know that you see me all the time? It is I that takes care of all things, whatever there is on Earth. I am the Sun's inner form. In my very presence you came into being, in my presence you were put into shape, even I was among them!" He then indicated that First Man had directed him to do this. The next day she decided to bathe because the young man might visit her again.

While bathing the young man appeared again and with the collaboration of the dripping water impregnated Changing Woman. In nine [náhást'éí] days, twins were born to Changing Woman. These twins were to become Monster Slayer and Born for Water. These two also grew in four day periods and in twelve days they were grown young men.

At this point Changing Woman asked for and receives the medicine bundle that First Man had brought up from the previous worlds. She moves to a hooghan that was built for her at the base of Huerfano Mountain. Here she conducted the first wedding ceremony, the mating of corn. After this ceremony Changing Woman leaves for the house that her sons have built for her, at the direction of their father, the Sun, in the west, at or on the Pacific Ocean.

Here Changing Woman grew lonely and created the Navajo People from skin rubbed off various parts of her body. The four pairs of people created at this time are the ancestors of all Navajo today.

Changing Woman also caused the abduction of the two children of Rock Crystal Talking God. They were taken to her house in the west by way of a rainbow and a sunbeam. Here they were taught the Blessingway ceremony. They returned home to teach the ceremony to all of their people (the original Navajos saw the ceremony being taught to these children). The diyinii all gathered to learn the ceremony and to construct the original Mountain Soil bundle, containing soil from each of the sacred mountains, with which the ceremony is still conducted. The Holy People then said that, after their departure from this ceremony, they would never be seen in person again but that their presence would be manifest in the sound of the wind [níyol], the feathers [ats'os] of an Eagle, in various birds, the growth of the corn and other aspects of the world surrounding the earth surface people.The two children who had been taught the Blessingway ceremony then departed to live with the Holy People.

{*} The parentage of Changing Woman is described in several different ways by different informants; however these can be thought of as just different ways of saying the same thing. Some say that her father and mother are the Sky and the Earth. Others say her parents are sa'a naghái ashkii (boy) and bik'e hózh at'ééd (girl) as in this version. However the Sky is sometimes referred to as sa'a naghái and the Earth as bik'e hózh. In either case, Changing Woman is Earth's child, the child of the Sky and the child of the mountain. As she was planned for by First Man and First Woman and called forth by First Man, she is also their child.

Jenis Anjing Sahabat
Chow chow
Anjing yang berasal dari Negara Cina ini dilihat dari penampilannya saja sudah sangat lucu dan bikin gemes. Bulunya yang lembut dan halus membuat kita betah mengelus-elusnya. Anjing ini pun terkenal jinak, sangat setia dan manja sama tuannya. Makanya, di beberapa Negara Asia, anjing Chow chow jadi peliharaan favorit. Tapi hati-hati, sama orang asing dia bisa galak banget. 

Golden Retriever
Anjing yang merupakan peliharaan favorit keluarga di Amerika dan Inggris ini memang mudah bersahabat dengan manusia. Dia sangat ramah terhadap orang-orang yang dia kenal. Selain itu, Golden Retriever juga cerdas dan suka bermain, sehingga kita nggak bakalan bosan berteman dengan anjing satu ini. 

Border Collie
Collie butuh pekerjaan. Apabila dia menganggur, mereka tidak akan bahagia. Collie sangat tidak dianjurkan untuk ditinggal sendiri. Mereka butuh pendamping, pujian dan latiahan yang intensif. Kalo kalian bekerja di luar kota, jangan berfikir untuk memiliki anjing ini, karena benar-benar tidak cocok untuk anda. Kecerdasan collie yang legendaris, kompetisi untuk anjing inipun berbeda dari yang lain, seperti tes kecepatan, obedience dan tentunya tantangan menggiring domba. 

Anjing poodle yang standard pun memiliki kecerdasan yang tinggi dan sangat mudah dilatih. Mereka senang berada di antara manusia, dan benci ditinggal sendirian. Di balik penampilannya yang menggemaskan, ternyata anjing poodle juga digunakan sebagai anjing pemburu. 

German Shepherd
Sangat cerdas, pemberani dan memiliki protective intinct yang kuat. Apabila dilatih dari kecil, mereka bisa menjadi anjing keluarga yang baik untuk anak-anak. Karena kecerdasannya, mereka membutuhkan tujuan dan pekerjaan agar mereka bahagia. Oleh karena itu, anjing jenis ini sangat cocok menjadi anjing polisi. 

Shetland Sheepdog
Shelties dikembangbiakan untuk menjadi gembala ratusan domba, karena membutuhkan konsentrasi, dan tentunya kecerdasan. Kadang-kadang dia bisa agak berhati-hati terhadap orang asing dan anak-anak, tapi sangat setia dan lembut terhadap pemiliknya. Faktanya, anjing ini senang menjadi pendamping manusia. Yang kalian lihat di TV, nyaris mendekati sifat aslinya . 

Papilon bersifat sedikit moody dan agresif dan sangat posesif terhadap tuanya dan ‘anggota di dalam rumah’. Mungkin agak sedikit mengejutkan kalo papilons dikatakan sebagai anjing paling lembut. Papilons anjing yang sangat cerdas dan mudah untuk dilatih. 

Dalam dunia kedokteran, kafein sering digunakan sebagai perangsang kerja jantung dan meningkatkan produksi urin. Dalam dosis yang rendah kafein dapat berfungsi sebagai bahan pembangkit stamina dan penghilang rasa sakit. Mekanisme kerja kafein dalam tubuh adalah menyaingi fungsi adenosin (salah satu senyawa yang dalam sel otak bisa membuat orang cepat tertidur). Berdasarkan manfaat dan bahaya kopi untuk kesehatan, berikut ini diantaranya yang termasuk manfaat kopi untuk kesehatan :

1. Mengurangi resiko diabetes. Dua puluh studi yang dilakukan di seluruh dunia menunjukkan bahwa kopi mengurangi risiko diabetes tipe 2 hingga 50 persen. Para peneliti menduga penyebabnya adalah asam klorogenik di dalam kopi berperan memperlambat penyerapan gula dalam pencernaan.
Asam klorogenik juga merangsang pembentukan GLP-1, zat kimia yang meningkatkan insulin (hormon yang mengatur penyerapan gula ke dalam sel-sel). Zat lain dalam kopi yaitu trigonelin (pro vitamin B3) juga diduga membantu memperlambat penyerapan glukosa.

3. Melindungi Sirosis (penyakit hati), terutama sirosis karena kecanduan alkohol.

4. Mencegah penyakit saraf. Kandungan antioksidan di dalam kopi akan mencegah kerusakan sel yang dihubungkan dengan Parkinson. Sedangkan kafein akan menghambat peradangan di dalam otak, yang kerap dikaitkan dengan Alzheimer.

5. Mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung dan stroke. Sebuah studi atas lebih dari 83.000 wanita berusia lebih dari 24 tahun menunjukkan mereka yang minum dua sampai tiga cangkir kopi sehari memiliki resiko terkena stroke 19 persen lebih rendah dibandingkan mereka yang tidak minum kopi. Studi terhadap sejumlah pria di Finlandia menunjukkan hasil yang sama.

6. Menghambat penurunan fungsi kognitif otak. Studi atas 4.197 wanita dan 2.820 pria di Perancis menunjukkan bahwa meminum setidaknya tiga cangkir kopi sehari dapat menghambat penurunan fungsi kognitif otak akibat penuaan hingga 33 persen pada wanita. Namun, manfaat yang sama tidak ditemukan pada pria. Hal ini mungkin karena wanita lebih peka terhadap kafein.

7. Kopi sebagai pembangkit stamina. Mekanisme kerja kafein dalam tubuh adalah menyaingi fungsi adenosin (salah satu senyawa yang dalam sel otak bisa membuat orang cepat tertidur).
Dimana kafein itu tidak memperlambat gerak sel-sel tubuh, melainkan kafein akan membalikkan semua kerja adenosin sehingga tubuh tidak lagi mengantuk, tetapi muncul perasaan segar, sedikit gembira, mata terbuka lebar, jantung berdetak lebih kencang, tekanan darah naik, otot-otot berkontraksi dan hati akan melepas gula ke aliran darah yang akan membentuk energi ekstra.
Itulah sebabnya berbagai jenis minuman pembangkit stamina umumnya mengandung kafein sebagai bahan utamanya.

8. Mengatasi selulit. Selulit muncul karena timbunan lemak yang menumpuk dan mendesak ke jaringan epidermis yang pembatasnya terbuka karena rusak. Permukaan kulit lalu menjadi bergelombang terlihat seperti kulit jeruk.
Selulit bisa diakibatkan karena kurangnya asupan air minum, jarang olahraga, masalah pencernaan/sembelit, stress, polusi, dll. Tidak perlu khawatir karena ada langkah cara menghilangkan selulit dengan memanfaatkan khasiat-khasiat dari kopi bagi kesehatan.
Tip mengatasi selulit :
Siapkan 2 cangkir bubuk kopi, ½ cangkir gula atau garam laut, dan 2-3 sendok teh minyak pijat (bisa minyak zaitun atau baby oil). Lalu campurkan semua bahan dalam mangkok dan oleskan dibagian yang terdapat selulit, lakukan pijatan dengan gerakan memutar

9. Membantu meningkatkan kualitas sperma. Dalam jurnal hasil konferensi American Society for Reproductive Medicine, di San Antonio menyebutkan bahwa sebuah studi yang dilakukan kelompok peneliti dari Universitas Sao Paulo, Brasil menyebutkan pria yang rutin minum secangkir kopi setiap paginya memiliki sperma yang mampu berenang lebih lincah dibanding pria yang tak pernah minum kopi di pagi hari.
Mereka meneliti 750 pria yang akan melakukan vasektomi dan membaginya dalam empat kelompok berdasarkan jumlah kopi yang mereka konsumsi, yakni: mereka yang tak minum kopi, peminum kopi ringan (antara satu sampai tiga cangkir kopi per hari), peminum kopi sedang (antara empat-enam cangkir per hari) dan peminum kopi berat (lebih dari enam cangkir per hari). Penelitian ini menggunakan ukuran skala cangkir 100ml.
Hasilnya, mereka yang mengkonsumsi kopi secara rutin setiap harinya memiliki kualitas sperma yang jauh lebih sehat dibanding yang tak mengkonsumsi kopi.
Kandungan kafein dalam kopi membantu sperma mampu berenang lebih cepat selain membantu memperbaiki sample sperma dalam proses IVF (in-vitro fertilisation), metode pembuahan di luar rahim.

10. Mencegah kerusakan gigi. Kafein mempunyai kemampuan antibakteri dan antilengket, sehingga dapat menjaga bakteri penyebab lubang menggerogoti lapisan gigi.

11.Mencegah kanker mulut. Minum kopi secangkir setiap hari terbukti dapat mencegah risiko kanker mulut hingga separuhnya. Senyawa yang ditemukan di dalam kopi juga dapat membatasi pertumbuhan sel kanker.

12. Menurunkan risiko kanker payudara. Menjelang masa menopause, wanita yang mengonsumsi 4 cangkir kopi sehari mengalami penurunan risiko kanker payudara sebesar 38 persen, demikian menurut sebuah studi yang dipublikasikan di The Journal of Nutrition. Kopi melepaskan phytoestrogen dan flavonoid yang dapat menahan pertumbuhan tumor.

13. Mencegah batu empedu. Batu empedu tumbuh ketika lendir di dalam kantong empedu memerangkap kristal-kristal kolesterol. Xanthine, yang ditemukan di dalam kafein, akan mengurangi lendir dan risiko penyimpanannya. Dua cangkir kopi atau lebih setiap hari akan membantu proses ini.

14. Mencegah kangker kulit. Konsumsi 2-5 cangkir kopi setiap hari dapat membantu menurunkan risiko kanker kulit nonmelanoma hingga 17 persen. Kafein dapat memacu kulit untuk membunuh sel-sel prakanker, dan juga menghentikan pertumbuhan tumor.

15. Mengurangi sakit kepala. Penelitian menemukan kafein yang terdapat dalam kopi (dalam jumlah tertentu) sanggup menolong mengobati sakit kepala. Menurut Seimur Diamond, M.D., dari Chicago’s Diamond Headache Clinic. Penderita migrain dalam kategori ringan dapat disembuhkan dengan secangkir kopi pekat.

16. Melegakan napas pada penderita asma. Kafein yang terkandung di dalam kopi dapat melegakan napas pada penderita asma dengan cara melebarkan saluran bronkial yang menghubungkan kerongkongan dengan paru-paru.

17. Mencegah osteoporosis. Perempuan yang minum dua cangkir kopi atau lebih per hari dapat mengurangi risiko terkena pengeroposan tulang (osteoporosis).

18. Meningkatkan daya ingat. Penelitian di Universitas Arizona ditemukan bahwa orang dewasa yang minum kopi sebelum test daya ingat menunjukkan perkembangan yang signifikan dibanding mereka yang tidak minum kopi.

19. Menangkal radikal bebas dan menghancurkan molekul yang dapat merusak sel DNA.
Mengurangi Resiko Kanker, Riset secara konsisten menunjukkan bahwa kopi mengurangi risiko kanker hati, kanker payudara dan kanker usus besar.

Sport (or, in the United Statessports) is all forms of competitive physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical fitness and provide entertainment to participants. Hundreds of sports exist, from those requiring only two participants, through to those with hundreds of simultaneous participants, either in teams or competing as individuals.

Sport is generally recognised as activities which are based in physical athleticism or physical dexterity, with the largest major competitions such as the Olympic Games admitting only sports meeting this definition, and other organisations such as theCouncil of Europe using definitions precluding activities without a physical element from classification as sports. However, a number of competitive, but non-physical, activities claim recognition as mind sports. The International Olympic Committee (through ARISF) recognises both chess and bridge as bona fide sports, and SportAccord, the international sports federation association, recognises five non-physical sports, although limits the amount of mind games which can be admitted as sports.
Sports are usually governed by a set of rules or customs, which serve to ensure fair competition, and allow consistent adjudication of the winner. Winning can by determined by physical events such as scoring goals or crossing a line first, or by the determination of judges who are scoring elements of the sporting performance, including objective or subjective measures such as technical performance or artistic impression.

In organised sport, records of performance are often kept, and for popular sports, this information may be widely announced or reported in sport news. In addition, sport is a major source of entertainment for non-participants, with spectator sports drawing large crowds to venues, and reaching wider audiences through sports broadcasting.

Sportsmanship is an attitude that strives for fair play, courtesy toward teammates and opponents, ethical behaviour and integrity, and grace in victory or defeat.
Sportsmanship expresses an aspiration or ethos that the activity will be enjoyed for its own sake. The well-known sentiment by sports journalist Grantland Rice, that it's “not that you won or lost but how you played the game", and the modern Olympic creed expressed by its founder Pierre de Coubertin: "The most important thing... is not winning but taking part" are typical expressions of this sentiment.